Friday, May 3, 2019

For my children

Oliver and Benjamin, When you are old enough to read this,I will share this letter with you both. Somehow I will attempt to put into words. The meaning of life. Here goes: Thoughts, ideas, and feelings are energy in a form that human scientists haven't yet been able to detect. Quantum physics suggests that reality is based on what is observed /perceived. I don't know enough about the facts (I continue to study and educate myself as I go). Here's what I know. As far as scientists can detect so far, the fabric of the universe is capable of bending and twisting in all directions. This means that we have pretty much no individual control in the grand scheme of things. Time and space do not give a shit about our hopes and dreams. HOWEVER, joy and love and beauty and all the other wonderful things about living here on Earth are possible in so many ways, every moment of every day. Here is the metaphor I find best represents my spiritual beliefs that I would like you to consider as you grow. (You will figure out whatever you believe along the way). Not surprisingly, it involves puppets In the "puppet show" of human Earth life- we are not able to clearly perceive it- but we are creating what occurs on stage in collaboration with a "higher" version of ourselves/everyone. (this You + Everyone is a collective consciousness that isn't contained in bodies, it flows freely directed by a balance of intention and chance). We, our "selves" are simultaneously writing and revising the script, directing, stage managing, acting, designing the "set" and improvising when the curtain comes up and the lights come on. Further explanation about the puppet show; Our bodies are the "puppets." We bring life into them on the stage with our thought/idea/feeling energy. The stage and the set are where we are in time and space- there are infinite sets, stages, and different versions of the show in infinite dimensions. Our perception is confined to this particular "puppet show", this lifetime, this string of moments on Earth-because that is the design of this human "Earth" experiment. All beings ("we/ us") communicate and demonstrate lessons and scenarios on stage for growth and development. We do this because there is "magic" in pretending. What happens on stage is "real" but it's only one version of "reality." When the puppet show is over the puppeteers continue to exist! The next show will be in an entirely different setting with different puppets playing different parts. It's a comedy and a tragedy and a coming of age story all rolled into one. So play along. But don't ever forget that you are also an audience member. You can applaud and you can say encore and you can boo as well. You can break the "4th wall" in your life and ask for what you need- demand it if things get to be Overkill. You can completely rewrite /overhaul the script and the players and all of it if need be. But don't you EVER leave the theater. This is your story. The show must go on. Like I said, each human lifetime or incarnation is another puppet show. But it's not just *our* show. We're sharing the stage! Other stories are happening too. Your story is important and it is your responsibility but it is happening collaboratively. All the other players are important contributors to ALL of the stories being told on that stage. They are also the writer/director/actor in their own play that they perceive through their own human puppet body. In reality, we're all behind the curtain together observing and creating the world, making it up as we go along. At the same time, it seems likely to me that we have each chosen and accepted the possible realities that come with each incarnation. It's not a contract- it doesn't have to unfold a certain way- but I suspect that the storytellers and puppeteers made some sort of agreement about story elements, themes, and conflicts. With this understanding keep in mind that: *Fun and joy and play are valuable and necessary. Don't be bullied into stifling your wonder and delight. We need to be able to take responsibility and also to amuse ourselves and each other. Let yourself be delighted. Let yourself light up. Do the same for others. *"Hurt people hurt people". It doesn't make it ok to hurt people but the phrase EXPLAINS what's really happening "back stage". Yes, there are evil ones who do damage and harm. Whatever malevolent intent they came with is born of pain, suffering, trauma, mental and physical illness. They need healing. This does NOT make it your job to fix them or heal them, though it's ok to be a participant in the process given healthy boundaries. But just know that in order to counter evil / destruction / violence with love/ compassion/ community we must operate with the understanding that the script and the set and the cast of a destructive harmful person's puppet show is based in their own darkness and sorrow. Don't get swept up in that. Witness it. Observe it. Process. But don't take it on as your own. Protect yourself from people and things that suck the energy out of you by doing and surrounding yourself with things that bring you serenity and make you feel strong. Someone else's pain can and may quite easily hurt you, that is part of life. But negative drama is a distraction from right now. Do acitivities that replenish and fullfil you and make you feel the most like yourself. Try not to hurt others but if you do, seek to understand the origin of the harm you caused and how to heal from it. If others hurt, you take note of how everything went down, learn what you need to, and then let go and move on. You don't *have* to suffer to grow. Sometimes that's how it happens but it's only one way- you're not here to be victimized. You're here to survive and overcome any hardships that life throws at you.  Try really hard not to take the hardships and bad luck personally. It just comes with the whole "human Earth body" thing. It's mixed in there with joy and love and laughter and all the great stuff. And frustratingly as hell, the yucky stuff and the beautiful stuff often appear at the same time, waltzing into your life hand in hand asking you to dance. It's a total freak show but you let your freak flag fly! You do you. Be who you know you are. And try to love that you as much as I do because I helped to bring you here. Your cells are literally made of me and Dad (and our parents and their parents etc) I know, gross. I can't wait to watch you grow up and weave our stories together. I'm so glad you're here! I like like being "mom" in your puppet play. Thanks for the opportunity ;) You already make me so proud. Love, Mama

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